I-Tools Mastering Suite Refill
Reason 6.5 or later is required for compatibility.
An intelligent mastering chain of mastering effects designed with ease in mind but professional tweaking as well.
1 Reason Song Patch with the mastering chain preloaded
4 Combinator Mastering Effects Patches (imaging, compression, program equalizer, and mid equalizer.)
Reason 6.5 or later is required for compatibility.
An intelligent mastering chain of mastering effects designed with ease in mind but professional tweaking as well.
1 Reason Song Patch with the mastering chain preloaded
4 Combinator Mastering Effects Patches (imaging, compression, program equalizer, and mid equalizer.)
Reason 6.5 or later is required for compatibility.
An intelligent mastering chain of mastering effects designed with ease in mind but professional tweaking as well.
1 Reason Song Patch with the mastering chain preloaded
4 Combinator Mastering Effects Patches (imaging, compression, program equalizer, and mid equalizer.)